Kisses for Vyse

See all the lucky people that have kissed Vyse! :D

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Name: Brandi Ambrose
Kissed: On his nose. It's too cute!
Where: The Captain's room on the Delphinus. He can rock my boat any time!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: Sarah
Kissed: On his lips. I don't care about Fina!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: I want to kiss Ramirez! he is much cuter then Vyse! Who cares if he is a little mean?

Name: Roosavelta
Everywhere. When else am I going to get a chance like this?
The Captain's room on the Delphinus. He can rock my boat anytime!
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
why can't we kiss Gilder??? hmm???? or even Aika, for the guys as well as Fina. and of course Enrique, or Drachma for the older gals. and who can forget, why can't we kiss Osman?

The Management: We [the management] are sorry to inform participants that other popular Arcadian figureheads were not avalible for kissing. However, Gilder encourages all interested, attractive women to call him for a fun-filled evening on the Claudia. Aika has also informed us that anyone caught doing "dirty things" to either Vyse or Fina can expect a visit from her in the near future. She has asked Swashbuckler to warn participants that such visits have a tendency to end in houses on fire.

Name: Gwyneth Jones
On his lips. I don't care about Fina!
Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
Daytime. It won't go very far.
Aika's hair is cool.

Name: adroid 18
Kissed: Everywhere. When else am I going to get a chance like this?
Where: Anywhere. Who cares where it happens?
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None.

Me :p
Kissed: Everywhere. When else am I going to get a chance like this?
Where: Anywhere. Who cares where it happens?
When: I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
Comments: None

Name: Mey
Kissed: On his nose. It's too cute!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
Comments: Haha! I got to give Vyse an eskimo-kiss! I dare ya to beat that, suckers! *sticks out tongue*

Name: Anthony Mejia
Kissed: On his lips. I don't care about Fina!
Where: The Captain's room on the Delphinus. He can rock my boat anytime!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments:   Fina: *Kisses him
                    Vyse: Wow Fina, I never knew
                    you were...
                    Fina: Shhh. Let's finish this.

Eugene Johnston
Kissed: I can't say where. It's naughty.
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: O_o

: Yuyu
On his lips. I don't care about Fina!
Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Bwahaha, I get to kiss vyse first.On his lips no less. Fina will kill me as soon as she finds out. Uh.. err. yeah. XD;

Please remember that there are a few days waiting time for new kisses to be posted.

Try to kiss Vyse again
