Kisses for Fina

See all the lucky people who have kissed Fina!

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Name: Nick Powlzick
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: Dave
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
Comments: None

Name: Sonny Cheba
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
Comments: Fina is the most awsomest chick ever seen in a game! I'd be glad to give her a kiss.

Name: Alejandro Nono
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: Chris
Kissed: Well, it's not really appropriate for younger people...
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: wadwadwa awdwadwadadw
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Daytime. It won't go very far.
Comments: None

Name: HJK
Kissed: Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: John Llyfnwy
Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
this is just for a laugh

Name: Douglas Sines
Anywhere she'll let me!
Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!

Name: Carlos Cornejo
Kissed: On her lips. I can take on Vyse!
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!

Name: Colin
Kissed: Well, it's not really appropriate for younger people...
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Daytime. It won't go very far.
Comments: None

Name: Looper Hunter
Kissed: Anywhere she'll let me!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments:   *Later, in the morning . . .*
                    Vyse:  I saw what you were
                    doing . . .
                    LH:  Look!!  A Looper!!
                    Vyse:  WHERE??!!??!!
                    LH:  <runs off>

Name: Ness
Kissed: On her cheek. Vyse would kill me if I did anything else.
Where: Her room on the Silver Shrine. Privacy is good.
When: Daytime. It won't go very far.
Comments: I love you.

Name: Eugene Johnson
Kissed: Anywhere she'll let me!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: What the heck is this?

Name: Ian L. F.
Kissed: Anywhere she'll let me!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: lets get it on

Captain Lander
Kissed: On her lips. I can take on Vyse!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: Matthew R. J.
Kissed: On her lips. I can take on Vyse!
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
Comments: None

Name: John Adams Smith
On her lips. I can take on Vyse!
Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
she hot!

Name: Sam Mendoza
On her hand. I'm the gallant type.
Cresent Island. It has a beeee-utiful view!
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!

Name: Vyse the Legend, disgused as Gilder
Everywhere. I can't pass a chance like this up!
Gordo's Bistro. I'm a romantic at heart.
Nighttime. That's when all the good stuff happens!
*kisses Fina*
                    Vyse(as Gilder): Heh, that was easy!
                    Fina: O_O Vyse?!
                    Vyse(as Gilder): Ooops! I mean... I wish they were all that easy!
                    Fina: !!! *slaps Vyse*
                    Vyse(as Gilder): @#$%!

Name: Castelak
Kissed: On her lips. I can take on Vyse!
Gordo's Bistro. I'm a romantic at heart.
I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
So innocent... *courts Fina*

Name:  Vyse the Legend (Sam)
Kissed: On her hand. I'm the gallant type.
Where: Cresent Isle. It has a beeee-utiful view!
When: I don't think I'll be worrying about the time when this happens.
Comments: Mmmmmmmmmmm............Fina...

Please remember that there will be a few days before new kisses are posted.

Kiss Fina again


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